Указатели в C++

Простой пример


В современном С++ использования указателей можно избежать во многих случаях.

Простейший пример

#include <iostream> using namespace std; /* Pointers */ int main() { int a = 5; int *px = &a; int *px2 = &a; //px is now an address in memory where variable a was stored cout << endl << "a = " << a; cout << endl << "pointer px: " << *px; // will show the value stored at this address cout << endl << "pointer px address: " << px; // will show the address in hex format cout << endl << "pointer px2 address: " << px2; a = 9; cout << endl << "a = " << a; cout << endl << "pointer px: " << *px; // will show the value stored at this address cout << endl << "pointer px address: " << px; // will show the address in hex format cout << endl << "pointer px2 address: " << px2; *px2 = 11; cout << endl << "a = " << a; cout << endl << "pointer px: " << *px; // will show the value stored at this address cout << endl << "pointer px address: " << px; // will show the address in hex format cout << endl << "pointer px2 address: " << px2; }

PS C:\Users\Andrei\cpp\SimpleCode\46> g++ .\46.cpp

PS C:\Users\Andrei\cpp\SimpleCode\46> .\a.exe a = 5 pointer px: 5 pointer px address: 0x7bfe0c pointer px2 address: 0x7bfe0c a = 9 pointer px: 9 pointer px address: 0x7bfe0c pointer px2 address: 0x7bfe0c a = 11 pointer px: 11 pointer px address: 0x7bfe0c pointer px2 address: 0x7bfe0c

#include <iostream> using namespace std; /* Pointers */ int main() { const int SIZE = 5; int arr[SIZE]{4,55,79,1,7}; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { cout << arr[i] << endl; } // array name is a pointer to its first element int *pArr = arr; cout << "arr\t"<< arr << endl; cout << "pArr\t"<< pArr << endl; cout << "=============================" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { cout << pArr[i] << endl; } cout << "=============================" << endl; // array is a continuous memory allocation // elements are going one by one without gaps in memory // that is why when we move pointer to the next value // we reach to the following array element for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { // by adding 1 here we are moving 4 bytes in the memory // because we have integer values cout << *(pArr + i) << endl; } cout << "=============================" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { // using pointer to go through array cout << *(arr + i) << endl; } cout << "=============================" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { // here we will get the memory addresses // note that the step is 4 bytes cout << (arr + i) << endl; } }

PS C:\Users\Andrei\cpp\SimpleCode\47> g++ .\47.cpp

4 55 79 1 7 arr 0x7bfde0 pArr 0x7bfde0 ============================= 4 55 79 1 7 ============================= 4 55 79 1 7 ============================= 4 1 7 ============================= 0x7bfde0 0x7bfde4 0x7bfde8 0x7bfdec 0x7bfdf0

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