classmethods Python
Введение | |
Отличие метода от функции | |
Пример | |
__init__() | |
__init__() значения по умолчанию | |
self | |
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«Декораторы в Python»
# Class Methods part 1. Total 8 class Employee: num_of_emps = 0 raise_amt = 1.04 def __init__(self, first, last, pay): self.first = first self.last = last = pay = first + '.' + last + '' Employee.num_of_emps += 1 def fullname(self): return f'{self.first} {self.last}' def apply_raise(self): = int( * self.raise_amt) # regular method automatically takes an instance as an argument # by convention it is called 'self' #class method takes class as an argument @classmethod def set_raise_amt(cls, amount): cls.raise_amt = amount emp_1 = Employee('Balda', 'Worker', 50000) emp_2 = Employee('Test', 'User', 60000) print(Employee.raise_amt) # 1.04 print(emp_1.raise_amt) # 1.04 print(emp_2.raise_amt) # 1.04 Employee.set_raise_amt(1.05) print(Employee.raise_amt) # 1.05 print(emp_1.raise_amt) # 1.05 print(emp_2.raise_amt) # 1.05 # also possible to apply to instance but # what is the point emp_1.set_raise_amt(1.06) print(Employee.raise_amt) # 1.06 print(emp_1.raise_amt) # 1.06 print(emp_2.raise_amt) # 1.06
1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06
OOP in Python | |
Classes | |
Methods | |
class variables | |
class methods | |
Static Methods | |
Inheritance | |
Special Methods | |
property decorator | |
Python | |
Functions | |
super() |