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Configure Flask on virtual hosting

This article is about launching on a virtual hosting.

There is a separate article about the deployment on your server:

«Deploy Flask App on Linux Server (Nginx + Gunicorn)» /p>

Of course, a lot depends on hosting but the main problems, I think, are the same everywhere.

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Flask on virtual hosting


There are a lot of articles on the Internet about how to run Flash locally. But there are few guidelines for setting up on a virtual hosting. For the material for this guide, I thank the hosting technical support beget.com their article about the setup Flask on the hosting, you can study here

Read more about the choice of hosting in my article «How to choose hosting»

Getting started with Flask on hosting

Connecting to the hosting account via ssh. To do this, you can use Putty or MobaXterm

The easiest way to connect to an account is by IP. To find it out - execute

ping url_site

If on your hosting installed Docker - go to container with the command

ssh localhost -p222

If it is beget.com , or find out how to do it on your hosting by asking a question to tech support.

Let's create a simple web application at the root of your site.

If you have a public_html folder on your site, save it somewhere in a safe place and delete it from the website.

We start in a completely empty directory.

Creating two folders HelloFlask and tmp

mkdir HelloFlask tmp

Creating two files in the root directory .htaccess and passenger_wsgi

touch .htaccess
touch passenger_wsgi.py

If you know how to edit files on hosting - keep reading this article. If this causes problems - read my article «Text editor vi»

In the file .htaccess we write

PassengerEnabled On PassengerPython /home/a/username/.local/bin/python3

Moreover, /home/a/username/.local/bin/python3 you will need to replace with the path up to your python3.

To find it out execute

which python3

The file .htaccess has been sorted out, now we are editing passenger_wsgi.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys, os # specifying the directory with the project sys.path.append('/home/a/username/aredel.com/HelloFlask') # we specify the directory with libraries where we put Flask sys.path.append('/home/a/username/.local/bin/flask') from HelloFlask import app as application # When Flask starts, it searches for application. # If you do not specify 'as application', the site will not work from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication # Optional: connection of the debugging module application.wsgi_app = DebuggedApplication(application.wsgi_app, True) # Optional: enabling the debug module application.debug = False # Optional: True/False is set when debugging is necessary

Where /home/a/username/aredel.com/ needs to be replaced with the address of your site from the hosting root.

With the file passenger_wsgi.py figured out, go to the folder HelloFlask

cd HelloFlask

Create a __init__ file there.py

touch __init__.py

And write there

from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello Flask!' if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()

С файлом __init__.py разобрались, возвращаемся в корневую директорию

cd ..

И выполняем

ln -s public_html public
touch tmp/restart.txt

Открывайте Ваш сайт и убедитесь, что там написано Hello Flask!

Когда Вы внесете какие-то обновления не забудьте после сохранения выполнять перезагрузку командой.

touch tmp/restart.txt

Если Вы ещё не определилсь с выбором хостинга советую прочитать мою статью

«Какой хостинг выбрать»

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