Send only modified files using Gulp 4
Introduction | |
Solution | |
Gulpfile.js | |
Remaining steps | |
Related Articles |
If you are developing on a local computer and working with .html or .php files, or in general with any files that you need
edit and then send to the hosting, then you probably thought about automating this process.
Since you are reading this article, then you have chosen as an automation tool
Having learned the basics of Gulp, you most likely already know how to copy folders and files from one directory to another. Can keep track of changes
files using and you can even set up automatic sending of files to
If you missed any of this, it is easy to catch up with the help of these articles:
«How to copy a folder using Gulp»
«How to send files via ftp using Gulp»
«Gulp series»
Armed with this knowledge, you can try to customize your work environment. But suddenly it turns out
that there may be thousands of files in a project, and not just one in online courses.
Copy them even from a folder
it seems like a redundant action to a folder, and ftp is so completely pointless.
You need to copy only the file that was changed, and not everything in a row. Finding a solution usually
leads to the gulp-changed plugin, only this method is not suitable for everyone.
The fact is that gulp-changed compares two SRC and DEST directories, i.e. You always need
having a double number of files, which in itself is not such a problem - there is almost always a version
developer and redesigned distribution. The problem will be sending via ftp - you need to monitor the folder
destination and extract from there a freshly recorded file.
At the moment, I think it’s easier to intercept the modified file at the stage of the first
and work with it in a stream using .on('changed')
As an example, we will monitor the app directory and all the .php files in it.
Let's create a regular
watch inside which we will run
but not simple but with
.on('change' ,function(path, stats))
We will send the result at once to two gulp.dest - one will be the ./dist folder, in which we will store everything
processed files. The second gulp.dest will be a special ./preFtp folder.
We will monitor this folder with a separate
and everything that gets there will be immediately sent to the hosting using vinyl-ftp.
After sending to the hosting, we will clear the folder using del
In this example, we will use vinyl-ftp, del packages and we will use series
npm install vinyl-ftp --save-dev
npm install gulp del --save-dev
const gulp = require('gulp'),
{ series } = require('gulp'),
ftp = require('vinyl-ftp'),
del = require('del');
function getConn() {
console.log("ANDREI: getConn function is running!");
return ftp.create({
host: '',
user: 'andreyolegovich',
pass: 'password',
const globs = [
function deploy(cb) {
console.log('ANDREI: deploy Task is running');
var conn = getConn();
return gulp.src( globs, { base: './preFtp', buffer: false } )
.pipe(conn.dest( '' ) );
exports.deploy = deploy;
function cleanPreFtp() {
console.log('ANDREI: cleanPreFtp is running')
return del('./preFtp/**/*.*');
exports.cleanPreFtp = cleanPreFtp;
function watchPreFtp (cb) {
console.log('ANDREI: watch saw something in PreFtp folder');
gulp.task('watch', function() {"./app/**/*.php").on('change', function(path, stats) {
console.log('Changes detected in app/ file "' + path + '", ' + stats);
gulp.src(path, { base: './app', buffer: false })
});"./preFtp/**/*.*", series(watchPreFtp,deploy,cleanPreFtp));
Unresolved issues
deploy is launched twice because the folder is being cleaned up, which is also a change. As a result, to the server
nothing is sent - it seems to be not scary, but an extra connection is useless.
It’s not completely clear how function(path, stats) works, but this is the cornerstone of the whole solution.
Gulp | |
Concat multiple css to one | |
Send files via ftp with Gulp | |
Gulp series | |
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